Why is it every “man” over 40 who happens to be single wants a companion? The definition of companion is this: a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels. Another website explains it this way: Whether it's travel or dinner or card-playing, your companion is the one who does it with you.
So all you middle aged “men” are looking for that? That’s a FRIEND! A person you hang out with and do things with. You don’t have any friends? Well for fuck’s sake, go to the bar and hang out with people until you find a guy that clicks!
OH, you want a woman for a companion. Why? What can a female companion provide you that your guy companion can’t? I mean, you hang out with him, watch sports with him, you play cards with him, you drink with him - HELL, you can even travel with him. Why does the gender of your “companion” matter?
Because you “men” are looking for someone to have sex with - without the commitment an intimate relationship brings.
And that’s how I differentiate the men from the boys. A man wouldn’t use the term “companion” to describe a friend with benefits type of relationship. A man would straight out say, “I’m looking for someone I can do things with and fuck. You interested?” because a man knows what he’s looking for. A boy leads a person on with “I’m looking for a monogamous committed relationship” bullshit when all he’s wanting is a fuck buddy. A man isn’t interested in wasting anyone’s time with the stupid games people play at the beginnings of relationships. A boy loves to play the stupid game of being “hard to get” by not returning messages or flat-out ignoring you in public. If a man is interested in a committed relationship, he will say so, and when you are in one with a man, he will let the entire world know you are his woman. A boy will say you’re “boyfriend/girlfriend” once you have sex with him, but he refuses to let anyone know - he introduces you as “his friend.”
Sadly, men are hard to find and boys are a dime a dozen. I’ve had three serious relationships in my 47 years and I can say that not a single one of them were men. However, I did meet a man once - he was forthright in what he was wanting. Unfortunately it wasn’t what I was wanting at the time and we parted ways (no, it wasn’t my ex). So, I know real men exist and the world is not filled with just the little boys that are pretending to be “manly men.” Let me clue you boys into something: Most women aren’t looking for “companionship.” They can get that from their friends without all the drama. And most know that “companions” are for having fun with - doing things together that wouldn’t be as fun to do alone. No, they aren’t looking for companionship. They are looking for a partnership; not necessarily requiring a ring and a marriage license, not necessarily an equal partnership (different arrangements work for different people); but at the core of it, it’s someone to have fun with AND someone who will have their back when the shit hits the fan. A companion will take care of themselves first. A partner will take care of you first and you will do the same for them. THAT’S what most people are looking for.
So, keep sending me the whole bullshit, “I’m just wanting a companion to get through this life” nonsense and I’ll keep blocking you. I’m looking for a MAN. I’ve had my fill of boys.