So it’s been awhile. Why? Well, I could say life happened and I wouldn’t be lying, but it wouldn’t be entirely true. Life did happen, and I was spending more time on it than on my passions, goals and dreams. I got a job at the gas station and soon became the assistant manager. I continued on with my plans of having chickens for eggs and meat. I went back to my ex in the hopes that we could avoid the same mistakes as before. I had to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent. Wood needed to be stocked, animals needed fed and care, house needed cleaned, staying warm was needed to be done (winter gets frigging cold in Kansas), boundaries to enforce because people like testing them. You know, life stuff.
And those boundaries were crossed. First, by my tenant. He was constantly late with his rent and having to go through the rigamorole of getting the money owed was affecting my health. I understand when someone else is supposed to pay the bill for you, but it’s up to you to make sure the rent gets paid on time. I didn’t want the stress, didn’t need the stress and had previously told the tenant that regardless of whether he knew it was paid or not, if I didn’t get the money, he was getting evicted. The second was by my ex - the boundary I carved in the concrete from the first round with him was verbalized and agreed to: complete honesty and no passive aggressive shit. Apparently, honesty was too much to expect from him. I probably should be more bitter. Most everyone can’t understand why I don’t hate my ex. Honestly, I don’t have time to bother with hate anymore. If he doesn’t want me anymore, and chooses to cross a boundary, rather than tell me, then he isn’t the partner for me. That’s not someone I need to waste my energy on.
And so, here we are. Life gave me lemons, I made lemonade; Life gave me more lemons and I chucked them back at life.
I frigging hate lemons.
Anyhoo! Enough excuses about why I haven’t kept up on the blog (and really, those are just excuses because if I truly wanted to, I could have typed them up and posted via my phone). Rest assured, the bitch is back, and mouthier than before if that’s possible. Also, things about to get very weird. I’m continuing on the spiritual journey I started years ago and I’m learning some fascinating things about life, the universe and myself. For starters, my subconscious is a sassy, spitfire of a soul - good. Cuz from what I’ve learned so far, I’m gonna need that spitfire just to get through the rest of life AND still accomplish my goals, dreams and passions.
More to follow…